Thursday, November 25, 2010

Heideggerian Legumes

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1 comment:

  1. Well, you're a better blogger than I am. I just posted a little, short, placeholder on 11/30, because my last post had been SEPT 30. Arghh. But your Heideggerian Legumes cartoon reminds me of a pome I wunce rote:
    "I'd rather be a human bean
    Than a kidney bean or a lima bean.
    But the best bean of all for a bein' to be
    Is a coffee bean on a coffee tree,
    'Cause a coffee bean is small and round
    And 10 bucks a pound when finely ground."
    Well, when I first wrote that poem, it was actually less... I wonder if this comment will preserve the line breaks? Probably not. -- David Kn.
